When does Wordle reset?

Wordle resets daily at midnight local time (12 AM), based on your device's clock. So no matter where you are in the world, a new Wordle puzzle will become available every day at midnight according to your own clock.

Unlike most online games, Wordle runs entirely client-side through your web browser. There are no servers tracking reset times. Instead, Wordle uses your device's local time to determine when to reset.

This also means that if you're travelling to a place where the local time is ahead of the local time of the place where you were (for example, travelling east from New York to London), you will have less than 24 hours to play that day's Wordle and end up accidentally skipping a day and losing your streak.

A quick workaround is to change your device's clock to the local time of the place where you were before temporarily to play that day's Wordle. You can then change it back to the local time of the place where you are after you're done playing.

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